Long time no post! I’m currently doing a bunch of contract work so my own games are taking a bit of a back seat (temporarily!) Anyway: recently Apple have done a sweep of older apps to make sure everything is alive and updated; as the title of this post may suggest, Stargazing falls a bit short of requirement. I’m not ruling out putting up a new version at some point of this now three-year-old (!) game, but it’s not going to happen any time soon.
To say farewell (or see you later?) to Stargazing iOS, I have made it free because why not – it will be there for just a few more days before the app is removed. This does not affect Stargazing on Android, which remains available as before.
One reply on “Stargazing Leaving the App Store”
loving this app, just on the way to recommend it to a friend who uses IPhone. …..what a tragedy.